Compressed material does not take as many transportations to move – THEREFORE YOU SAVE MONEY.
Eps (expanded polystyrene)
Eps is the type of foam plastic that most of us know as “foam” or “flamingo”. It is also called styrofoam and airpop.
The material is especially used for transporting food that must maintain a certain temperature, insulation material in general and transport protection. The material is known for filling a lot with low weight.
EPP (expanded polypropylene)
EPP is a more combustible material compared to other types of foam plastic. The structure is so tough that it places special demands on the “tearing / crushing” of the material.
The material appears in many different qualities and finishes. We typically see it as packaging material in the electronics and assembly industry.
Pur (Polyurethane)
Pur is used as insulation material for walls and panels in industrial buildings, steel halls, refrigerators / freezers – but also in white goods.
There is a general distinction between two main groups of PUR plastic – it is rigid and flexible polyurethane.
Epe (expanded polyethylene)
Epe – The material is often used for wrapping fragile products such as glass and electronics during transport.
Like EPS, it takes up a lot of space in uncompressed form.
Xps (Extruded Polystyrene)
Xps is a type of foam plastic that most people know from the construction site.
The material is used for the manufacture of insulation boards, substrates / seals under heavy constructions. Finally, the material is widely used for packaging furniture and interiors during transport.
XPS contains a large amount of air, which makes it suitable for compression.
Other materials
The compressors we offer from RecyclePit are so good that they can handle many different types of materials.
Therefore, if you have other types of materials that you would like to have handled, please contact us.
It is important to tune which material is compressed, as different types of material must be handled differently.